Animalist ideology
Here we go again. After the ridiculous, expensive and absolutely useless farce of the sheep nets unrolled along kilometers between Liguria and Piedmont, now also the Abruzzo Region has given in to the hysterical and completely anti-scientific pressure of the Italian animalist ideology that is the blindest and deafest in the world. The fresh news, in fact, speaks of a nice tender worth one million euros that the Abruzzo region intends to distribute to farmers and breeders who want to equip themselves with nets, electric fences and even guard dogs to protect crops and animals from the predation of some species of ungulates and large carnivores that represent an increasingly concrete and serious danger because they are now out of numerical control and therefore unsustainable.
Numerical disproportions
Evidently there is nothing to be done: the animalist whining always ends up having the upper hand, even in spite of the evidence of the facts and without caring about the fact that other European nations (and not a few of them) have established that such numerical disproportion (millions of wild boars, thousands and thousands of deer and fallow deer and about 5.000 wolves) can and must be "managed" in only one concrete, effective and above all economic way: by resorting to the intervention of hunters who are the true and only environmental sentinels capable of operating with preparation and responsibility. Nets are nothing! Now another million euros is about to fly towards the pockets of a few thousand farmers and breeders but it is certainly not given to know how many will unfortunately remain outside of this rain of public money and it is not even possible to know what the actual results of this umpteenth and not small public expenditure will be.
Another flop
We believe that we will find ourselves facing another flop and that the much-invoked biodiversity will continue to march towards its tragic end. If anyone doesn't believe it, go and read the reactions to the wounding, in Campania, of a sacred ibis that notoriously belongs to an alien species that is truly destroying biodiversity in the north and that has recently begun to colonize with unstoppable force also the territories of the center-south. The animalist press immediately headlined: "Sacred ibis wounded by hunters in Campania: yet another act against nature". Yes, exactly: against nature! But what nature are they talking about? The alien one that is wiping out the true native nature (vegetable and animal, from the countryside to the seas) that is now on the brink of extinction? The question is legitimate: do these gentlemen connect their brains before writing and speaking? (Paolo Sparvoli, president of ANLC).