The meeting organized by the Caccia Ambiente Party, which consulted the representatives of the AA.VV. at the Europa hotel in Caserta took place yesterday, 9 July at 19:30. previously invited regional.
Although not all of them responded to the appeal, despite the delicate moment for the future of the continuation of the hunting activity in Campania, the meeting ended with the sharing of a unitary document.
The meeting was attended, for the political party Caccia Ambiente, Avv. Angelo Dente and Mr. Antonio D'Angelo respectively National Secretary and National Coordinator of the Party, Mr. Andrea Pirozzi, ANUU migratory, with delegation of the Regional President Mr. Giuseppe Parvolo, Andrea Ferrara, FIDC, with delegation of the Regional President Mr. happy Buglione, Mr. Gino Melfi, CON.AVI Regional President
After extensive discussion during which all bystanders condemned the work of the Regional Bodies for the approval of Article 34 amending the previous Article 36 which provides, for Campania hunters, to request the scope of hunting residency where the same resides by registry and practicing within the same hunting exclusively for sedentary game. An additional fee allows them to hunt migratory game in all the remaining ATCs of the Region but for a maximum of 30 days upon reservation.
The Hunting Environment Party, the Regional FIDC, the regional ANUU, the Regional CONF.AVI wish and urge the Regional Bodies in charge of revisiting everything that is now burdening and decreeing the end of the hunting activity in Campania, the approval of the new Regional law that allows the practice of hunting for migratory game for all the days allowed by law without any reservation and throughout the regional territory with payment of an additional fee.
The Region is also invited to approve the regional hunting plan or at least its extension, a condition without which it is impossible to issue the hunting calendar itself.
For all the above, Caccia Ambiente, FIDC, ANUU, CONF.AVI have unanimously decided, in the unfortunate case it is not possible to reformulate art. 34 approved in the 2012 Finance Law, a series of articulated protests, first among which, the disobedience to the payment of the ATC hunting residence fee, as soon as it is requested, as well as a large demonstration at the Palazzo della Regione to make the voice heard loud. of dissent from Campania hunters.
Political Party Caccia Ambiente