A long legal process
With the Ordinance issued in the last few hours, the Council of State has expressed its opinion on the appeal filed by the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria and Federcaccia, against the ruling of the TAR of Reggio Calabria (N. 784 of 11 November 2024) which annulled the decree appointing the members of the management committees of the ATC RC1 and RC2, thus establishing the validity of their composition which remains substantially unchanged. The Council of State has in fact annulled, suspending all its effects, the TAR Ordinance on the appeal filed by Anuu Migratoristi, Arcicaccia Calabria and other Associations, regarding the appointments of the members of the management committees of the ATCs of Reggio Calabria, confirming the principle of representativeness correctly applied by the Metropolitan City.
The principle of representativeness
Federcaccia Calabria highlights that in its reasons the Sixth Section of the Council of State that expressed its opinion on the appeal, has clearly highlighted by explicitly recalling the correct application of the principle of representativeness that the Metropolitan City has applied and that is entirely consistent with the Regional Law that has been applied. Moreover, this principle and its correct application have already been decreed by previous rulings both of numerous TAR and of the Council of State itself with respect to which the November decision of the TAR Calabria constituted an exception.
FIDC's thoughts
In thanking the lawyer Biagio Di Vece who represented the provincial FIdC section of Reggio Calabria in this and previous trials, all that remains now is to await the hearing for the discussion of the merits of the dispute, set for next July 10. In the meantime, we cannot fail to invite to reflect all those Associations and those who have rushed to give "definitive" judgments on the matter without waiting for the decisions of the competent Bodies at the various levels and in all courts. (Federcaccia Calabria Press Office)