A capital of recognition
With almost three out of four Italians (74%) declaring themselves happy if their children or grandchildren worked in the countryside, the Oscar Green is launched, the award promoted by Coldiretti Giovani Impresa to promote the many innovative ideas of young farmers. A figure, that of Censis, which highlights how, in the time of the collapse of trust in skills and in the various professions, farmers have managed to build their own specific capital of recognition. An example of this are the 52 thousand agricultural entrepreneurs under 35 active today in Italy, between those who have continued the family business and those who, instead, have chosen agriculture despite coming from other sectors or from different study paths.
Made in Italy:
A true excellence of Made in Italy if we consider the fact that young agricultural companies generate a Standard Production of 4.296 euros per hectare, about double the European average of 2.207 euros per hectare, according to an analysis by the Centro Studi Divulga. This year there are five categories of competition for the Oscar Green, whose applications must be submitted by March 20. The category “Campagna Amica: Custode di Biodiversità” rewards those projects that promote Italian agri-food products using forms of marketing inspired by the short supply chain through farmers' markets, initiatives aimed at developing the hospitality potential of agricultural companies and tourism in rural areas. “Impresa Digitale e Sostenibile” is aimed at companies that, through digitalization, work and produce in an eco-sustainable way, valorizing production waste in a circular economy perspective, producing energy and saving natural resources.
Other category
“Coltiviamo insieme” involves those business models, cooperatives/consortia, public entities capable of creating synergic networks with the various subjects of the agricultural supply chain for the well-being of the community, in partnership projects. The Agri-Influencer category is aimed at all those companies that promote their activities through the use of modern communication channels, with their events or with their social pages. “+Impresa”, finally, rewards agricultural companies that compete in an increasingly challenging and international context in which the entrepreneur's vision becomes a fundamental component. “In a context that, without a doubt, is not favorable for the new generations, the agricultural sector presents itself as a significant opportunity for young people – underlines the national delegate of Coldiretti Giovani, Enrico Parisi -. Italian agriculture, in its current form, characterized by diversification and multifunctionality, plays a key role in promoting employment and in promoting the growth of the sector”. (Source COLDIRETTI)