Entire regional territory
The Board of Emilia Romagna region has recently deliberated on the Wood Pigeon Control Plan, unanimously approving the “Five-year Wood Pigeon Control Plan in Emilia-Romagna”, valid for the entire regional territory, including urbanized areas, from which the National and Regional Protected Areas are excluded.
Landowners and managers
The Region has included the wood pigeon among the species for which attendance at a training course is required by owners or managers of land who intend to implement, on their land, the control plans provided for in art. 19 of law no. 157/1992.
A serious injury
As a preamble to the Act, the Council motivated by recalling that "the growing presence of the wood pigeon species in the regional territory conditions various aspects concerning human activities and is causing serious damage to zoo-agro-forestry production and to the management of the livestock heritage for health reasons; furthermore, considering that the wood pigeon often associates with the city pigeon, further aggravating the situation mentioned above, so much so as to make it necessary to provide for joint control actions".