Delivery of the plates
During the works of the last Provincial Council, which met last Friday 25 October in Grosseto, the Provincial President of Federcaccia-UCT of Grosseto Gaetano Zambrini, accompanied by Vice President Davide Senserini, awarded a plaque to two members who have reached a truly special milestone.
A remarkable goal
Quintilio Magi and Ezio Andreucci, in fact, long-time members of the Grosseto provincial hunting federation, have reached the milestone of eighty years of carrying weapons, having both obtained their first hunting license at the age of sixteen. This is a remarkable goal, which President Zambrini, together with the entire Provincial Council, wanted to celebrate with a plaque awarded to the two hunters. All of this is made even more special if we consider that a further and significant satisfaction came with the last renewal of the hunting license, when both saw their permit extended for another five years.
Not everyday things
“Things like this are not seen every day,” said Zambrini during the awards ceremony. “In Grosseto, Federcaccia-UCT is very fortunate to have many passionate young hunters and managers among its ranks. But it is equally fortunate to be able to count on the experience of members like Quintilio and Ezio” (source: FIDC Toscana-UCT).