A difficult period
In a moment of great criticality for the hunting of migratory birds, the sector of the migrators of Federcaccia on November 12th has taken steps to renewal of charges. The venue where the work was held is that of Federcaccia in via Garigliano, precisely to demonstrate the close belonging of the sector to the Federation. At the end of the day, the new Council was elected, representing various realities of our country, composed of: Giovanni De Luca (Puglia), Aldo Di Brita (Campania), Emiliano Galvanetto (Veneto), Nazzareno Galassi (Marche), Vincenzo Iuzzolini (Calabria), Oscar Lombardi (Lombardy). Carlo Romanelli (Tuscany) was confirmed as president, Aldo Di Brita and Nazzareno Galassi as vice presidents, and Emiliano Galvanetto as secretary. Among the priorities of the new Council is the renewal of the sector, to keep up with the times in the promotion and protection of migratory hunting. In this objective, it is essential to promote knowledge of this federal structure, with interventions that range from the enhancement of new communication tools to meetings with hunters.
Data collection
In the research framework, data collection is crucial for some species such as the turtle dove, on which UCIM has been strongly committed, with the contribution of its own research representatives and research on thrushes in Calabria. Among the UCIM delegates of the various regions, the sector can count on national level researchers such as Mario Pucci and Daniel Tramontana. It is the intention of the new Council to propose changes to its statute that favor a closer relationship with hunters. Significant participation among the delegates was that of Mario Azara from Sardinia and Daniele Morresi from Marche, where the Federcaccia Study and Research Office has activated very important investigations on thrushes; Gherardo Ambrosini from Liguria, where the sector is engaged in a continuous dialogue with the regional institutions aimed at derogation hunts. Also noteworthy is the participation of Piedmont with Michele Brustia who could be a point of connection with neighboring France, given the relationships of our sector with French hunters.
The relaunch of federal structures
The meeting was also attended by the National President of Federcaccia Massimo Buconi, who indicated the need for a renewal of the statute of the sectoral Associations. The presidency councilor Oscar Stella also spoke about the importance of relaunching these federal structures, who in December called a meeting with the various presidents of the FIdC sectors also in order to give new impetus and update the common lines of action. The speech by Lorenzo Carnacina was highly appreciated, who focused on the importance of carrying out activities in defense of hunting; an important path that he himself has traced in years of national vice-presidency of Federcaccia, leaving us a great legacy. This UCIM will certainly be able to collect it. (UCIM – Unione Cacciatori Italiani Migratoristi)