Hunting: Liguria, heavy criticism from the PDL group in the Region for the new suspension of the transitional hunting calendar performed in record time by the TAR following yet another anti-hunt appeal.
The PDL Group declares: “what is happening is unlikely: an entire region, an entire category and important sections of the economy are being sacrificed to follow illogical positions that are falsely environmentalist. It's a shame". “It is shameful that the Politics and the regional council, which has the task of managing the territory, are overtaken by a bureaucracy which in this case only hurts Liguria. We are evaluating the hypothesis of bringing the wild boars to the Tar headquarters ". Thus commented, provocatively, the regional councilors of the PDL Group on the decision of the TAR to suspend hunting again in Liguria that they continue: "in this way we do nothing but damage a territory and cause damage to a sector, Agriculture, which is important and strategic for our region, a sector that is already heavily affected by the economic crisis and the weather conditions that are causing so much damage to crops. On our part, the full willingness to work to try to get out of this impasse which in our opinion is inconceivable and intolerable ".
"We invite hunters and associations to join our protest and ask for the intervention of the Prefects to take the situation in hand and find with us a solution that is suited to the needs of all and above all of the hunters who have paid heavily for the opportunity to be able to exercise this activity during the period during which hunting is practiced throughout Italy and Europe. We are talking about a category that in this way is penalized without any precise reason and sacrificed to illogical positions that are purely environmentalist ”, conclude the regional councilors of the PDL.
25 October 2013
Source: SanremoNews