In his weekly column "Thoughtful", the Provincial Federcaccia of Brescia commented on the latest news on the Lombard territory. As pointed out by the hunting association “The recurrent hunting fever epidemic has now definitively exploded in Brescia. On the local television channels, in the bars, on the canine test fields, in the quagliodromes, at the meetings with some willing institutional representative, we started talking about hunting again, the real one. And also reconstructions, sometimes imaginative and simply invented, are starting again of what the legislators will do for the next hunting season.
The regional councilor Fabio Rolfi, from Brescia and federcacciatore, in an interview with his friend Beppe Demaria hinted that this year they know about important news that will be unveiled with the resolutions of the Regional Council of 31 July next. About three months ago the region had prepared two draft resolutions, one for the withdrawal by derogation of brambling and finch, the other for the capture of live calls and had sent them for a prior opinion to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of the Environment. These opinions arrived and Rolfi himself defined the answers on the subject of capturing live decoys and therefore the consequent reopening of the coils interesting and satisfying while unfortunately there seems to be absolute opposition to By derogation, brambling and finch are collected.
Councilor Rolfi however explained that the Milan offices are at work and therefore all this suggests that the news, if any, will affect the recalls. Lombardy Region has on its side, despite the usual "loners" have often launched harsh criticism, a database of live recalls accurate and updated and therefore a knowledge of what is the heritage of recalls of stationary stalking hunters. This allows the Region to speak with good reason and to make requests, to the Government and to Ispra, based on the reality of the facts and not on conjectures. Federcaccia can only offer all its support to initiatives of this kind e cheer for our hypotheses to prove real. Certainly a resolution is not a law… but we will worry about this from the following day ”.