The provision of July 31st
With reference to the recent provision n. 11796 of 31/7/24 which provides an additional form to the Regional Hunting Card relating to the collection of the “minilepre” I allow myself some considerations.
The mini hare in Lombardy
Sylvilagus floridanus is included in the "Regional strategies for the control of invasive alien species" among the animals for which eradication is envisaged, even with the use of firearms, and must be removed from the huntable species.
Bureaucratic burden
ISPRA is of the same opinion in its observations on the draft regional hunting calendar for 2024/25. Providing that the species can be noted on the card in the same way as huntable fauna, in my humble opinion, is a bureaucratic burden for the hunter, as well as a useless waste of resources for those who have to provide the additional cards. I therefore propose that the box for the mini hare printed on the card be used for the summary of the animals killed at the end of the hunting day (Ivan Moretti. ARCI-Hunting Regional President).