Times and methods of intervention
With Dduo n. 9133 of 5 July 2021 the protocol was approved "Weather Beccaccia" in implementation of the "Protocol for the protection of wintering populations of woodcock during adverse weather events" of Ispra, containing criteria, times and methods of intervention for the suspension of hunting of the woodcock species in the event of events defined as "waves of cold", in order to safeguard local contingents.
Suspension of withdrawal
The technical protocol for the drafting of the Beccaccia Weather forecast defines in a binding manner for the months of December and January the possible suspension of the hunting of the Beccaccia species within the territory of competence of the Lombardy Region, excluding that of the Province of Sondrio. The Beccaccia Weather forecast during the winter of 2024-25 is produced by ERSAF on a weekly basis from 1 December 2024 to 20 January 2025 and published by 9.30 am on every Tuesday of each week included in the period of application, and is valid for the following 6 consecutive days starting from Wednesday (first available hunting day) until the Monday following its issue.
What does the bulletin define?
The bulletin defines in a binding manner from 1 December to 31 December and from 1 January to 20 January (along the waterways and only in the ATC) the prohibition/non-prohibition of carrying out hunting activities for Woodcock, in each of the 11 Provinces in the period of validity indicated (source: FIDC Brescia).