New announcement
The deadline for registrations for the VIII Edition of the Master in Wildlife Administration and Management aa 2024/25 (in short Master Fauna aa 24/25) organized by the Ca' Foscari University of Venice. The Master offers courses that allow you to combine skills in the subjects of biology, law, economics and ethics, fundamental aspects for the training of figures capable of making informed choices in the management of wild fauna, today essential for sustainable hunting. The Italian Hunting Federation, which recognizes the necessary value of scientific knowledge for proper management of fauna and has been involved in research for several years, is included among the organizations where the Master students will be able to carry out the internship provided for among the activities of the course.
Economic and social impacts
To manage the faunal heritage and more generally the ecosystem, knowledge of biology and zoology, skills to calculate the economic and social impacts and also the ability to analyze the ethical aspects are fundamental because management choices can affect the well-being of the animal or lead to the sacrifice of individuals and populations. Finally, it is essential to know how to orient yourself in the legal world in which every planning, programming or other type decision inevitably takes place. The Master is designed to train a technician capable of carrying out sustainable management of wildlife. The teachers are university professors who represent leading figures of the Academy in their own disciplines and interventions by major experts among operators in the sector are also expected. Master's graduates will be able to join public bodies, Italian and European companies, associations, or carry out freelance consultancy activities.
Membership costs
In particular, the master participates in the INPS calls for the assignment of scholarships for public employees (INPS Executive Call 24/25) and for the children and orphans of public employees and pensioners (INPS Perfezionamento Call 24/25). Both guarantee full coverage of the cost of enrollment in the Fauna Master. All updates will be published on the Master's website It is possible to follow the entire course remotely and lessons will begin on February 14, 2025, on Fridays all day and Saturday morning only. Further detailed information on the Master is available on the website and for any clarification contact the Teaching and Organizational Secretariat of the Master at 347/3103074 or 327/7843472; e-mail: [email protected].