Coldiretti Molise welcomes the approval of the Plan for the Eradication of African Swine Fever (ASF), which it would be more correct to call "Plague of wild boars", adopted by the regional council of Molise. The Plan in question provides, among other things, the precise indication of the practices for the depopulation of wild boars, to be applied, as a preventive measure, through the progressive killing of the animals. The territorial scope is the entire Molise region, “… including parks, protection oases, planned hunting territories as well as urban and peri-urban areas, integrating the control and sampling plans already approved and in the process of being approved”.
"Our Organization - declares the Confederal Delegate of Coldiretti Molise, Giuseppe Spinelli - for years has been committed to stimulating the Region to implement operational instruments to contrast the uncontrolled proliferation of wild boars; Well, this Plan acknowledges most of Coldiretti's requests. Therefore we will collaborate with the local authorities and institutions to ensure the prompt adoption of the measures provided for by the same, inviting all interested parties to take action to contribute, in full safety and in compliance with the provisions of the law, to the implementation of the Boar containment plan to counter the risk of spreading the disease in our region, thus securing the pig farms ".
"Finally - continues Spinelli - new, specific and extraordinary measures will start for the depopulation of wild boars through homogeneous rules to be applied throughout the region in order to kill 80% of wild boars, whose number currently is around 35-40.000 units. ". For Aniello Ascolese, Director of Coldiretti Molise, "it will be crucial to enhance containment activities with extraordinary actions using the most modern technological tools that allow you to act safely and with great effectiveness, as well as implementing the "selecontrol" tool, strongly desired by Coldiretti, who was fully supported by the Councilor for Agriculture, Nicola Cavaliere, through which all the owners, fund holders and assistants, enabled through the courses already carried out, will be able to intervene throughout the year at internal funds to protect agricultural crops ".
"It is also possible to do more", Ascolese affirms, in addition to selection and self-control: "among the measures to be implemented there are, in fact, also the installation of animal trapping cages and the use of hunting techniques in pursuit and in turn, together with a project for the enhancement of wild boar meat, creating a real “Molise” supply chain for this purpose. Coldiretti concludes that "it is necessary to make in the shortest possible time, this regulatory system is operational, to avoid wasting more time and to give concrete answers to our companies which are heavily penalized by the uncontrolled presence of wildlife ”.