The right valorization
Today, November 21th, we celebrate the National Tree Day. Italy is rich in woods and forests, a constantly growing area that has currently exceeded 11 million hectares. A fundamental heritage for the whole society, which however needs to be enhanced and protected, protected from degradation, neglect and abandonment.
Heavy damage to the forest
Woods and forests require surveillance, defense, maintenance and management interventions, also of the fauna they host and that if in imbalance can cause serious damage to the forest itself. We hunters know well and frequent these wonderful environments all year round, loving and respecting them and contributing with our presence to an active surveillance for their protection.
Urban context
Likewise, we understand well and know how to give the right importance to the green areas of the city, strips of nature that improve the urban context and we are often involved in reforestation projects and programs or taking care of specific areas. Taking care of the environment in all its aspects is important and hunters are always on the front line (source: Federcaccia).