Nominations of participants
As announced in the last few hours, the PD deputies Stefano Vaccari and Marco Simiani, respectively group leaders in the Agriculture and Environment Commission of Montecitorio, have presented an oral question in the commission to the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security regarding the nominations of the participants in the Consultation Table for the National Biodiversity Strategy 2030.
National strategy
Below is the text:
“given that:
On 14/10/2024, the Director General for the Protection of Biodiversity and the Sea of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security signed the decree appointing the representatives of the Management Committee and the Consultation Table of the National Biodiversity Strategy 2030;
the designations and appointments were made on the basis of Article 3 of the Decree of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security no. 252 of 03 August 2023;
from reading the two decrees it is clear that qualified experiences and sectoral skills are excluded that more than others have distinguished themselves for their mission and activity in the action of safeguarding and promoting biodiversity also in accordance with state regulations and recognitions, among these reference organizations for environmental protection such as Legambiente and Lipu, recognized by the Ministry of the Environment as associations of environmental interest, and historical associations such as Federcaccia and Arcicaccia recognized by law 157/92 and engaged in the management of territorial hunting areas and in Alpine districts for the purposes of good territorial and wildlife management together with professional agricultural organizations and environmental protection associations;
Further insight
Law 157/92 recognizes hunting associations, including Federcaccia and Arcicaccia, and environmental protection associations, including Legambiente and Lipu, as having management and implementation tasks for the regulatory objectives for the protection of the environment and the safeguarding of fauna in the agricultural, forestry and pastoral territory of our country.
What are the criteria that led to the definition of the representations in the Management Committee and the consultation table of the national biodiversity strategy 2030 both with regards to the organizations included and those excluded starting from the associations mentioned in the introduction;
whether it does not intend to provide, in the face of further investigation, for the modification of the two decrees to restore a situation of balance and correct representation also to further qualify the work of the Committee itself, which, if this were not the case, would be precluded from the presence of skills of absolute value, for reasons other than those of merit, technical and scientific”.