The Piacentini Hunters Committee (COBAS Caccia) on the proposal to reduce the provincial ATCs and complain, “In five years there has been no change”.
The Piacentini Hunters Committee (Cobas Caccia) discusses the proposal "Entrust hunting to farmers" for the reduction of ATC, Territorial Areas of Hunting, and the entrusting of hunting to the agricultural world; the proposal was recently discussed between the leaders of the movement and the provincial councilor Ghilardelli. As Cobas Caccia we have drawn up a series of proposals, including that of entrusting both the technical and financial management of the hunt to farmers. This of course after a reorganization and a drastic reduction of the current Territorial Areas of Hunting (the ATC). The proposal was first presented to the agricultural organizations Coldiretti and Confagricoltura, in two separate meetings to their respective presidents. A favorable opinion had arrived from the associations, albeit with perplexity on the application of the legislation on the basis of the laws in force; together we decided to give it a try and both Coldiretti and Confagricoltura have undertaken to divulge the proposal to their members.
The issue was then discussed in the Province, during a meeting with President Trespidi, Councilor Ghilardelli and the official Merli. Recently we were reconvened by Ghilardelli himself, who informed us of the impossibility on the part of the Province of a revision of the current ATC, as it is not yet known what the fate of the provincial bodies will be. However, the commissioner showed interest in our management proposal by farmers; there would also be the same interest on the part of the Emilia Romagna Region.
Returning in conclusion to the issue of downsizing the number of current ATCs, we would like to clarify some points: it is true that the current situation of the Provinces today prevents us from making choices and it is equally true that it would be foolish to blame the commissioner Ghilardelli in office for a few months; however, it is very true that the provincial administration had five years to change this situation, which is unique in all of Italy. It is automatic to think that the Piacenza delegated body with control tasks is nothing more than a link in the strange Piacenza hunting chain. As a wise old man said, whoever lives will see.
8 January 2014
Piacentini Hunters Committee (COBAS Caccia)