“They are also of great concern in Piemonte news from the Germany, which report a new case of African swine fever in the district of Ludwigslust-Parchim, in a wild boar carcass found in a former military training area, near Redlin, on the border with the state of Brandenburg ". Enrico Allasia, president of Piedmont Confagriculture, intervenes once again on the issue of excessive wildlife proliferation, asking all interested bodies to make every effort to contain the phenomenon.
“In recent months, thanks to the intervention of prefect of Turin which had been activated on the recommendation of our organization, a coordination table had been set up between all the interested parties - explains Allasia - to identify joint initiatives to limit the abnormal presence of wild boars which, in addition to heavily damaging crops, creates health problems for the ecosystem ". News from Germany alarms not only farmers but all citizens.
At the moment, as the federal government reports Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, it is not known how African swine fever entered the Ludwigslust-Parchim district. However, the same variant of the virus was confirmed in thebreeding of domestic pigs in Lalendorf and in the Marnitz outbreak, which is now widespread in Eastern Europe, the Baltic states, Poland and Brandenburg.
"We must in all ways prevent African swine fever from spreading: it would be a huge damage to our farms and for food safety - adds Enrico Allasia - and for this reason we ask all institutions to multiply their efforts to develop a selection of wild boar that number of ungulates at a compatible level for our territory ".