To the great satisfaction of the Piedmontese hunters and the Committee for the NO to the Referendum, the Piedmont Region stops the Referendum against hunting.
Piedmont, the region cancels the referendum against hunting. According to the NO Committee, made up of the major Hunting and Gunner Associations as well as sports federations, this is "a step forward in the right direction". It was important to have understood that it was a serious waste of public money and a useless vote because the consultation was aimed at the past and did not concern species at risk of extinction. Now our commitment will be aimed at obtaining a new law, modern and in line with the principles of sustainable hunting.
The Committee for the No to the Referendum - composed of Federcaccia, Enalcaccia, Libera Caccia Anuu Migratoristi, Arci Caccia, Italcaccia, Cic, CNCN, Assoarmieri, ConArmi, Fitav, Fidasc - appreciates the effort made by the Piedmont Region not to give rise to the partially abrogative referendum of the regional law on hunting 70/96 scheduled for next June 3, thus avoiding the enormous waste of public money wanted by the promoting committee.
He hopes that common sense will now prevail in the environmental world, that is, a moderate line of comparison, and that useless and equally costly appeals are avoided. It must be clear to everyone that from this moment on, those who want to pursue the referendum path will take responsibility for the direct and indirect costs that will fall on Piedmontese citizens.
The referendum, we recall once again, would have involved the expenditure of over 20 million euros for a useless, anachronistic consultation, which would hardly have reached the quorum and in any case devoid of real meaning, based on ideological motivations and which did not respond to any real environmental concern. Suffice it to say that none of the 25 species whose hunting was to be closed is included in the list of those at risk of extinction.
Hoping that nothing will change the decision of the Region, the Committee for the No to the Referendum thanks the Piedmontese Institutions for their courageous choice and immediately makes himself available to collaborate with them in formulating the new regional law, which in line with the principles of the national hunting law 157/92 will allow Piedmontese enthusiasts to practice hunting in line with the modern criteria of sustainable hunting and in compliance with the provisions of the European Union.
The Committee for the NO to the Referendum