A meeting was held today in Turin between the Councilor for Agriculture, Hunting and Fishing of the Piedmont Region Giorgio Ferrero and the recognized hunting associations. On the table three different issues, real things to peel for the disputed administrator of Asti: the hunting calendar, after the recent Tar order which provides for its modification, the unification of the ATC management committees and CA, and finally the criteria and procedures for their renewal. Regarding the first argument, and the very recent Tar Ordinance n. 280 which requires the inclusion of another eleven species, the undersigned Hunting Associations had already expressed themselves harshly in the past days, showing "bewilderment and embarrassment" in the face of the statements to La Stampa by the Councilor who had reported having "... already a legislative measure is ready to prohibit the hunting of these species, as already done for ptarmigan, variable hare, lark ”. Giorgio Ferrero wanted to clarify how the Region will adapt within the established terms (their goodness ... we would almost write) to the decisions of the TAR, but that in any case an amendment will be presented to prevent the collection of these species, or some of them. His objections were bizarre and curious when he specified how he did not expect this request from the hunting world (or rather, it should be specified, from his very large part), even if in the past years the many requests made by the hunters and always sent back to the sender, as the hallucinating and unsolved case of the ptarmigan teaches us. As for the ban on hunting precisely the latter, variable hare and lark, which became a reality following the recent regional law (art. 39 l. r. n.26 of 22/12/15), and on which the TAR will have to decide whether to refer the question to the Constitutional Court, the Assessor discharged the entire responsibility on the Regional Council which voted for it, wanting to specify how he was against it; this statement that contrasts not a little with what has been demonstrated whenever there was the possibility of satisfying legitimate requests from the hunting world. The representative of Arci Caccia (the two small dissenting Associations were also present at the meeting) then asked that the new calendar include advances for the opening to turtledove and quail, while the writing Associations, which had begun the actions before the Tar , they certainly did not have this kind of need, as the requests and needs of the Piedmontese hunters were very well explained when the appeal was filed. Councilor Ferrero then expressed astonishment at the applicants' willingness to see these additional 11 species hunted, even if the inclusion of them in the text of the appeal was only a mere exercise of a juridical writing character by Avv. Prof. Paolo Scaparone, and did not correspond instead to the real needs of the hunting world.
With regard to the second point, the application of art. 32 of DDL 143 ((Rationalization of the ATC and CA Management Committees - The Regional Council may entrust the management of several Territorial Hunting Areas (ATC) and Alpine Districts (CA) to a single Management Committee, according to the provisions of itself-), the undersigned Hunting Associations have prepared and sent a specific "press release" declaring their firm opposition to any kind of present or future amalgamation. Ferrero, while expressing caution for certain recent sentences that would go to the contrary, explained how would like to intervene, specifying that he had thought of modifying the subdivision of the new management committees initially envisaged. On this matter the Councilor has actually ... marked a point in his favor, obtaining the support of the other two Associations present, Arci Caccia and Italcaccia, a fact that did not surprise the writers too much: it has been a long time since they moved away from the needs of the hunted re Piedmontese, preferring to support the requests and initiatives of the Region. What ... does politics have to do with it? But perhaps we are too severe, and the two AAVVs will also invite their associates not to shoot at one of the eleven species deemed huntable by the Piedmontese Tar.
In this regard, Giorgio Ferrero publicly thanked them, confessing how he ... broke a spear in favor of hunters, explaining to the majority Regional Councilors how not all the Hunting Associations were as bad and riotous as the five of us, and there were leaders in the hunting world. ready to cooperate. And again speaking of the management committees we come to the third point, that of the criteria. Here we learned how the Councilor has decided to reduce the number of members, going from twenty to ten, and keeping everything else unchanged, including the methods of appointment, the percentages of assignment for the interested parties (recognized Hunting and Agricultural Associations with 30% of the members each, Environmentalists and Local Authorities with 20%) and so on. For the purpose of further rationalization, a single Audit Board is being considered for all ATCs and CAs. specifying why in the twenty years that preceded the last administration there was the need to resort so frequently to the intervention of administrative judges; the Councilor instead replied inviting the hunting world to seek dialogue in view of the arrival in the Commission of the three bills from which the new regulation of hunting in the Piedmont Region will have to arise. If the premises are those offered by twenty-four months of fighting there is no hope, the Piedmontese hunters are asking for respect and for now the Region, and Councilor Ferrero have not shown that they want to give it. Luckily the TAR is there, it should be sung, to ensure that not all of our rights are trampled on.
Turin, 4 August 2014
Federcaccia Piemonte, ANLC, Enalcaccia, EPS, ANUU Migrators.