January 2025
La Piedmont region has decided to allocate 900.000 euros to support the institutional activities of the territorial hunting areas and the Alpine districts and to extend by a further 15 days, from 16 to 30 January 2025, the possibility of carrying out the numerical-selective culling of wild boar within these areas, also with the aid of dogs.
Financing in detail
"In addition to the financial support for the fundamental organizational and administrative activity carried out by the 21 ATCs and 17 CAs distributed throughout the territory for the exercise of hunting activities - specifies the Councilor for Hunting and Fishing Paolo Bongioanni - the Region expressly allocates 73.000 euros to the ATCs and CAs of the provinces of Alessandria, Asti and Cuneo that found themselves within Zone II of the African Swine Fever contagion and therefore lost part of the membership fees paid by the hunters".
Maximum number of hunters
Selective hunting of wild boar can be carried out by a maximum of 25 hunters with the use of no more than three dogs. "A measure - explains Bongioanni - to strengthen the fight against Psa, damage inflicted on agriculture and road accidents caused by wild boars". (Source Regione Piemonte)