There are four days to go manifestation of Piedmontese hunters, an initiative announced for some time and which is destined for register important numbers from a participatory point of view. The regional section of the Hunting Federation he therefore decided to write to the governor Sergio Chiamparino, an open letter that tries to fill the gap represented by the missed meeting. The letter follows another few months in which Chiamparino himself became aware of the problems of Piedmontese hunting.
As pointed out by Federcaccia, "Since then the situation has worsened for Piedmontese hunters". The text reads how hunters are still too often branded as enemies of the environment and society, even according to some as "bloodthirsty predators". Piedmontese hunters are fed up with this situation, as well as being constantly targeted and ignored by the media.
The federation recalled i three consecutive appeals to the Regional Administrative Court, all won in vain due to the need for a quarter in the Constitutional Court. The hunters' money was spent without any advantage, with the mockery of a region that ignores the reasons for the category. On 10 June there will therefore be a demonstration to which 25 thousand people will join, all taxpayers from Piedmont, which "receives millions of euros every year from our category, mistreating it and wasting public money badly".