In the end, in extremis, the green light came. THE Sardinian hunters they will be able to move freely throughout the island despite the prohibitions imposed by the orange zone. There is the ordinance, the second of 2021, signed by the President of the Region Christian Solinas. An ok that comes after the official request made by the League, which had led to a tough battle between for and against hunting, who were able to have their say even live on Radio Casteddu. A decision, that of Solinas, which foresees a whole series of rules to be respected. Because, if every hunter can move from his municipality to hunt, he will still have to follow various indications.
The ordinance states that "the movements are allowed - with their own means and with the prescription of the use of the same by no more than two cohabiting people, however, equipped during the entire stay on board with suitable airway protection devices - outside the Municipality of residence, domicile or home for the performance of the hunting activity and the wildlife control activity on the days in which the measures referred to in art. 2, of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 3 December 2020, in full compliance with the rules contained therein as well as the provisions contained in theRegional Councilor for Environmental Defense n. 11 of 24.08.2020 "Hunting Calendar 2020 - 2021", n.13 of 23.09.2020 "Hunting Calendar 2020-2021. Revocation of the authorization of the hunting sampling relating to the species Pochard and Lapwing.", N.14 of 28.09.2020 "Integration of the Environmental Defense Councilor Decree A / 11 of 24.08.2020.
Hunting calendar 2020/2021 - Sardinian partridge, Sardinian hare and wild rabbit. ", N.15 of 13.10.2020" Integration of the Decree of the Councilor for the Defense of the Environment nA / 11 of 24.08.2020. Hunting calendar 2020/2021 - Sardinian partridge, Sardinian hare. ". In the exercise of the hunting activity, the following precautionary measures must also be observed, also with reference to small game although, as a rule, there are no gathering problems in the exercise of the same: Carefully consult the regulations in force on prevention and prohibitions contained in the DPCM and in the RAS Ordinances; in the case of big game companies, the relative team leader is required to constantly disclose the prescriptive contents of the same and to monitor compliance by all hunters of the same. Avoid gatherings before, during and after hunting, with particular regard to hunting trips.
Any lunch can be consumed exclusively in the open air in strict compliance with social distancing,hand sanitation and the absolute prohibition of mixed use of crockery and provisions. In the case of use of rooms used for slaughtering for the taking of samples to be subjected to the analyzes required by law, these must guarantee sufficient natural ventilation for the constant exchange of internal air volumes and in any case be able to maintain a safety distance of at least 2 meters between each person.
During any stages of slaughtering of the slaughtered animals, in compliance with current regulations on the subject, the prevention measures against Covid-19 and in particular the prohibition of gathering, the constant sanitation of the hands and the obligation to use the mask. Campsites possibly used as support by hunters must be equipped with sanitizing gel and information posters on anticovid prescriptions. No.In the case of hunting companies, the relevant team leader must draw up and keep for at least 21 days a list of the names of all team members with their contact details, in order to be able to trace them promptly for any health communications related to the covid "(Castedduonline).