There are four individuals of song thrush marked by Hunting Federation in collaboration with the University of Milan in Sardinia who have given useful information for pre-nuptial migration and are on their way to reproductive sites. After the first press release, relating to the first two departures of the subjects baptized "Daniele" and "Onifai", "Gollei" and "Mirto" were subsequently added, respectively migrated from Sardinia the first after March 16 and the second with a move yet to be confirmed from Calabria to Lazio after March 4th.
On April 19, the thrushes Gollei and Onifai are found in Belarus and we do not know if their journey is over and they will breed in this area, while the thrush Myrtle seems to have settled on the border between Croatia and Bosnia and frequently reports with small shifts which should herald a reproduction in this area. The thrush "Daniele" who had given the first sign of migration from Sardinia to Tuscany, unfortunately it has not sent any more signals, we hope for a resumption of transmissions, however even so the data is useful for determining the start of the pre-nuptial migration.
The balance of this first experimental year is therefore positive, the transmitters work satisfactorily and for this reason Hunting Federation research will continue in the next few years, satellite technology proves to be the most effective methodology for identifying migration phenology, also on this species (Faunistic and Agri-environmental Studies and Research Office Federcaccia).