The Confederation of Tuscan Hunters closed in the fort, the last days of a dying regime. There is a real revolution in the system of hunting in Tuscany. Only those who have decided not to see what is in front of them can continue to pretend nothing has happened.
The CCT continues to close itself in the fort, as recently happened in Florence, where the Administration, former provincial, seems to have decided to include only the CCT in the next management committee. In our opinion, this is a very serious act that will have both legal and hunting policy consequences. We intend to speak clearly to the Provinces who must choose the names for the next management committees, no one thinks of giving birth to the ATCs. with the "monocolore" of the CCT, there must be plurality among the associations. We do not lend ourselves to the game that, when convenient, the CCT is invoked, and when instead there is another interest Federcaccia and Arcicaccia are two different things, (we do not mention the ANUU because, according to our thinking, it is perhaps, " victim "unaware?). It seems curious that those who, in some cases, through their representatives, have mismanaged for about twenty years, accuse us of being interested in armchairs, when, Enal, Libera, Ital, while remaining outside the rooms of power, see their registered to the detriment of the Confederation, dissatisfied with their work. Maybe it would be better to stay out to get "full" of members. But we are Associations aware of the work to be done for the good of hunting and hunters, so we want to accept the challenge of management to make a contribution together with the other hunting acronyms, precisely for the sake of hunting and hunters, the only ones to pay sound. of Euros for management.
That is why we are calling for these management committees to be increased to twenty. Not only that, we ask that the possibility be given to those associations that will remain out of being able to attend the meetings of the committee as "listeners" Who does not want to do this, perhaps, wants to continue to administer without any counterpart. We believe that pluralism is the best guarantee of future management. The Region has no reason not to accept our requests to expand the management committees to twenty units, on the contrary if someone came to mind to "cancel" the control systems, dictated by art. 11 5 and 6, that is, those who speak of ATC tenders, or of control by the Region itself, according to our thinking, there could also be serious consequences for the future. However things go, we will be very vigilant in the control that the law allows us with access to the documents in the new management of the hunting activity.
Let it be clear to everyone that the places we claim in our ATC and all the other members are voluntary, that is, without attendance fees for meetings and commissions. (which is strongly opposed by others). The Free Hunting Associations, Enal, Ital, are not interested in playing the fray, but no one can think of leaving out the representatives of about 20.000 hunters, since they are asking us to intervene.
Having said the above, let's try to make a new appeal, open to all hunting associations, lay down the "edged and firearms", let's meet for serious and constructive negotiations on the new way of managing all types of hunting, for the good of hunters, including the possibility of hunting throughout the provincial territory, in areas included with the payment of Euro 100,00.
The Regional Delegations of Tuscany of: Liberacaccia, Enalcaccia, Italcaccia
I love woodcock hunting, hunting dogs and Nature. I'm very interested in hunting news. Editor at Caccia Passione I deal with the development of the Social and Media News areas.
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