The Confederation of Tuscan Hunters (Federcaccia Toscana, Arci Hunting and ANUUMigratoristi) has reached the halfway point of its first two years of life and is preparing for a new step towards unity: this is the strong and shared message that comes from the annual assembly of the CCT, held yesterday April 27 in Florence , present members from all over Tuscany.
"Now, two years after its birth - said Romagnoli - the unitary spirit and the mass of joint initiatives and positions, the widespread birth of unitary structures on the territory is now a consolidated reality". An approach shared by the numerous interventions, including that of the president of Federcaccia, Moreno Periccioli, of Arcicaccia Fabio Lupi and of Anuu, Franco Bindi.
The CCT, the secretary recalled, was present in all the important steps connected with the management and exercise of the hunting activity. On issues of regional, national and European importance. A strong presence that has achieved significant results, such as, among others, the acceptance by the TAR of Tuscany of the appeal proposed by the CCT, with the intervention of the Region, against the act of the Government that had anticipated the closure of the hunting on January 20 for the song thrush, woodcock and cesena species: an important fact in view of the next season's hunting calendar; or the new legislation on stalking, with the recent law approved by Parliament which actually incorporates the rules already introduced in Tuscany to safeguard a traditional and widespread form of hunting.
There are many open games on topics of great importance: the comparison that has been underway for months on the rules for the management of ungulates, with the center requesting to enhance the role and skills of ATCs and hunters, starting with hunting teams; the initiative to obtain from the Region the modification of the regulation that dictates the dimensions of the boxes and fences for the detention of dogs, now more than double compared to the European Directive which the regulation itself says it wants to respect; solicitations for derogation from the transfer, control on predatory and antagonistic species, the hunting calendar.
Of great significance and of national importance is the complaint presented by the CCT to the Court of First Instance of the European Union to ask the Commission for the failure to intervene to protect the equality of rights between Italian hunters and those of other EU nations (France in primis) where the end of the woodcock hunting season is postponed by almost a month compared to Italy.
“A list that could continue - affirmed the secretary Romagnoli - and which tells of the daily commitment of the CCT and its structures to restore role and dignity to hunting and hunters. A resource for all hunters because the Confederation of Tuscan Hunters was born open to all, to field more energy and more substantial resources of men, means and ideas, to best represent the reasons for the hunt, to give its active contribution in the relationship with Institutions, with politics, farmers and the whole society, for the safeguarding and improvement of biodiversity and for the protection of the territory, in the belief that hunting and hunters are essential factors to achieve these results. "
Confederation of Tuscan Hunters - Federcaccia - Arcicaccia - ANUU)
(April 30, 2016)