Small sedentary game
Yesterday the Associations of the Control Room of the Tuscan Hunting Associations met with Vice President Saccardi. The purpose of the meeting was the CAV 2025 agreement, the Wildlife Hunting Plan and the small game crisis. Specifically, clarifications were requested on the path of the PFVR which has not yet been renewed despite having expired for years and corrective interventions on the management of small sedentary game, given the failure of management policies, based on ready-to-hunt releases, practiced by the ATCs.
Renewal operations
But most of the meeting was about a request to simplify the procedures for the delivery of rings for live decoys and especially for the renewal of hides. In fact, great concern was expressed by the Control Room for the Region's decision to digitalize the operations for the renewal of fixed hides. This year, in fact, the hides can no longer be renewed in paper form and payment cannot be made with the usual postal payment slip. Hunters will have to carry out the operation independently on the RT caccia portal or contact the CAV. For this reason, our associations have requested a one-year moratorium that will allow, still for 2025, the renewal in the traditional way.
Bureaucratic difficulties
We thank Councilor Saccardi and Director Ferretti for their willingness to meet some of our requests and we reserve the right to evaluate the final result. Our facilities and volunteers are available to hunters to assist them and help them overcome bureaucratic difficulties but we do not believe it is appropriate to complicate things unnecessarily for hunters. However, we take this opportunity to remind you that the CAV activities are free and that all hunters can access them regardless of the association they are registered with (source: Arci Caccia).