Legal terms
In light of the amendment to the 2025 budget which modifies law 157/92 and in the event of a challenge to the hunting calendar of theUmbria, “if the precautionary request is accepted, until the publication of the sentence that defines the merits, hunting activity is permitted within the terms set out in paragraphs 1 and 1-bis (of the same article 18).
New opening
The limits of collection and daily hours set by each region with the last legitimately applied hunting calendar are back in effect. Hunting for thrushes and woodcocks is open again, at least until the ruling of the Council of State scheduled for next January 14.
Key concepts
In 2009, with the amendment of Law 157/92, more times and more huntable species had been promised, since then the hunting calendars have been the subject of continuous appeals and sentences, from that precise moment in order to support the hunting calendars in agreement with Key Concept, regional wildlife observatories should have been strengthened.