The Veneto Regional Council clarifies the question of hunting stalking, great satisfaction of the Hon. Berlato.
Hon. Sergio Berlato expresses his satisfaction with the approval of the Regional Law on hunting stalking by the Veneto Regional Council which finally clarifies the full legitimacy of stalking for hunting use that a clumsy attempt to give a distorted interpretation to the regulations in force would have put Veneto hunters in the condition of being criminally charged for having built their hunting lodges in the same way they have been built in recent decades.
Providential intervention by the President of the IV Commission to advise Davide Bendinelli, speaker in the classroom, who, accepting the amendments suggested by the Hon. Sergio Berlato and the President of the Associazione Cacciatori Veneti - Confavi Maria Cristina Caretta, corrected the text presented in the classroom by some Regional Councilors and Councilors that if it had been approved in the formulation of the proponents it would have caused more harm than good to hunters.
Press office
Hon. Sergio Berlato