Joint note
We report below the joint press release signed by Sergio Berlato (ACR), Giulia Sottoriva (Confavi), Umberto Venturini (ACV), Gianni Garbujo (Italcaccia Veneto) and Gianfranco Vezzari (FCR): “With the ruling of 23 December 2024, the Regional Administrative Court of Veneto, partially accepting the appeal presented by animal-environmentalists against the new Hunting Wildlife Plan 2022-2027, has cancelled part of the PFVR, requiring the Veneto Region to prohibit hunting on mountain passes”.
New tile
“The TAR believes that the new plan presented by the Regional Council with the collaboration of the hunting leaders of the associations that are part of the infamous “enlarged control room”, lacks investigation and should be partially rejected. Bad new tile on the heads of hunters in Veneto who, after the early suspension of hunting of some thrushes and some aquatic birds, will also have to suffer the definitive closure of hunting on mountain passes”.
Further penalty
“As we said and wrote, it was inevitable that with the approval of the new PFVR made with an administrative act rather than a legislative one, the possibility of further penalizing hunters in the Veneto was served on a silver platter to animal-environmentalists, as if in these last five years those practicing hunting had not been penalized enough”.