Last Monday 2 December the hunting associations ANUU Migratoristi - ANLC - Arci Caccia - Federcaccia and Italcaccia met to sign an agreement of intent with the aim of enhancing hunting in Veneto as a social resource, under a single acronym called CRAVN ( acronym for Regional Coordination of National Hunting Associations). An important "step" towards the unity of the hunting world, a path open to all those hunting associations that do not exist today but that will be able to join in the future; now the Coordination represents almost 70% of the Veneto hunters. Because it is clear that without units there is no future for hunting in Veneto. After the joint signature on the observations to the Veneto Regional Wildlife Plan, a document that we will try to change profoundly with great responsibility, we are ready to face the other important issues that lie on the regional table for 2014, among the most urgent: hunting stalks and the hunts in derogation. The executive positions of this new Body will be renewed annually, in rotation among the member Associations.
The problems that afflict the hunting world are many, but with the competence, good will, common sense of all of us and above all with the unity of the hunting world, many of these problems will certainly find solutions. This is our project, convinced that a unitary path will make those who govern us and society feel a very different weight than the current one, on the enhancement of hunting and its users.
p. The CRAVN Secretariat
Giuliano Ezzelini Storti
(December 6, 2013)