Necessary efforts
"This year the Region's efforts against the nutria are being expanded, a species that is harmful not only to the activity of our farmers, but also to the hydraulic safety of the entire territory that must protect itself from meteorological phenomena that are becoming more violent due to climate change. For this reason the Region has chosen to increase investments aimed at eradicating the species: the 2025-2027 budget forecast allocates 500 thousand euros per year for the three-year period for fight nutria. The collaboration of all the implementing bodies provided for by the Regional Nutria Control Plan is now necessary: the resources are there, it is time to make every effort to protect our territory".
Regional law
This is what the regional councilor for Territory and Hunting, Cristiano Corazzari, says, who intervenes on the topic of combating the nutria. In 2021, the Veneto Region adopted, within the framework of regional law 15/2016 "Measures for the containment aimed at eradicating the nutria", the "Regional Nutria Control Plan" in force until December 2025 in order to govern efforts at a territorial level involving among the implementing bodies Park Authorities, Land Reclamation Consortia, Municipalities and Provincial Police.
Lack of adequate measures
"The nutria is a species imported in 1929 for breeding purposes to produce fur and since then, due to the lack of adequate control measures, the lack of predators and the adaptation to a particularly favorable habitat such as the Veneto one, it has spread in an uncontrolled way - continues Corazzari-. The Rovigo and Verona areas are among the territories that, due to their size and the presence of waterways, are the most frequented by nutrias. In 2023, in the provinces of Rovigo and Verona alone, 23.039 and 35.600 heads were killed respectively for a total of approximately 58.600 heads, numbers to be compared with the regional figure of 66.700 heads killed. The overall authorizations issued, at the end of 2023, to operators for the implementation of the control plan for the province of Rovigo are 1104 and for that of Verona 2.300". (Source VENETO REGION)