Effectiveness to be increased
The Commander of the Provincial Police Force of Belluno, Oscar Da Rold will hold the role of Operational Coordinator of the Provincial Police with the aim of achieving the objectives set by the Regional Plan for Urgent Interventions (PRIU) for control. The appointment was approved today by Regional Council on the proposal of the regional councilor for hunting, Cristiano Corazzari. It is foreseen by the Dgr n.857 of 16 July 2024 and is part of the package of measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the PRIU system as a whole.
Great experience
“First of all, I would like to wish Commander Da Rold good luck in his work for this important and delicate role of coordinating the various subjects involved in the regional territory in the action to contain wild boar - intervenes the regional councilor for Hunting, Cristiano Corazzari -. He will have the task, thanks to the experience gained as commander of the Provincial Police of Belluno, a role he will maintain, of identifying operational guidelines and directives to strengthen the role and action of the Provincial Police in the containment of wild boar and therefore in combating the spread of the plague African swine".
The Region's handbook
“When it comes to wildlife - adds Corazzari - the Veneto Region pays maximum attention. In the month of September, meetings will be organized in the area with the aim of making known, for example, the implications of the return of the wolf in the current socio-environmental context and what behaviors to adopt. The Region is preparing a handbook, which will be distributed, with useful information in case of sightings". (Source VENETO REGION)