La Hunting Commission of the regional council of Veneto approved the one-year extension as regards the validity of the wildlife hunting plan relating to 2007-2012 period. The votes against were those of the Democratic Party and the Moretti List, while the 5 Star Movement abstained. The new regional plan, as explained by the councilor Joseph Pan, had been adopted by the junta in August 2014, but then it had not been approved by the Regional Council by the end of the previous legislature. This extension, therefore, was made necessary in light of the expiration date and to ensure a certain continuity of the existing hunting fauna.
This plan is proposed by the Executive and approved by the Regional Council, with a validity of five years. The contents and purposes are different. First of all, it serves to plan wildlife-hunting management through the coordination of provincial plans, but also to identify the territories to be allocated to the establishment of wildlife-hunting companies, agri-tourism-hunting companies and private wildlife breeding centers in the wild.
After recalling the statute scheme of the Territorial Areas of Hunting, the minimum and maximum hunting density indices and the discipline of hunting in the valley lagoon area, we can recall some of the peculiar aspects concerning the Veneto. The territory is intended for the protection of wildlife for a share of not less than 21% and not more than 30%, with the exception of the faunal area of the Alps (in this case the share is between 10 and 20%).
These are the percentages that include the territories where hunting is prohibited also due to other laws or provisions. A share not exceeding 15%, on the other hand, can be allocated to the establishment of companies and private centers. In addition, the institution's regulation of the distances between wildlife protection centers and private initiative structures has been redefined. The cartographies identify the faunal area of the Alps, the valley-lagoon area, the Territorial Areas of Hunting, the protection oases, the restocking and capture areas, the passes of the national and regional parks, the natural reserves and the state-owned forests.
In addition, the mitigation measures resulting from the environmental impact assessment. Finally, the theme of extensions is also important. Wildlife-hunting farms they cannot be less than 200 hectares or more than 2000 hectares if we refer to the Alpine area, while we arrive at one thousand hectares in the remaining territory (regardless of the concession deed that is granted).