The litigation
The TAR of Abruzzo, with sentence 504/2024 annuls the assignment of a wild boar hunting area decided by theATC Vomano-Fino in a dispute between two teams. Two groups with the same name, one with the old head gamekeeper, in continuity with previous years, and a new one but with some people from the historic "Lotaresco 2006".
The contested provisions
The second one obtains from the ATC the assignment of the “historical” zone, the other one, which was evicted, filed an appeal and the TAR accepted it in the sense and within the limits of which it partly motivates with reference to the challenge of the provisions of the ATC Vomano-Fino, indicated in the epigraph, relating to the assignment of the hunting district A9. Now, it seems that the ATC wants to file an appeal to the Council of State.
Similar situations
A truly unfortunate situation, with the questionable decisions of the ATC overturned by the TAR. Similar situations, which have led to “distorted interpretations” of the Regional Ungulate Regulation by the Management Committees of the Abruzzo ATCs, have been repeated over the years, effectively creating impediments to effective management of wild boar. Therefore, we ask for the intervention of the Region, urging it to establish precise criteria for the assignment of wild boar hunting areas, so that problems of this type, which have even led to legal disputes, do not happen again (ARCICACCIA TERAMO, ANLC TERAMO, ENALCACCIA TERAMO).