A verdict that has been awaited for over a decade
Twelve years are an almost infinite time: the entrepreneur originally from Spoleto (Perugia) knows it well, who managed to obtain a sentence in his favor at the Umbria Regional Administrative Court. An accusation of poaching had been brought against him, but the story began in 2010 and since then there have never been any convictions or even trials. However, the Prefecture had forbidden the possession of weapons and ammunition.
The criminal case
This person can now return to using his shotgun. The episode refers to a complaint by the provincial police, before a criminal proceeding which had led to the prescription of the man for the prescription which had intervened in the meantime. The lawyer of the National Free Hunting Association had asked for the end of the ban.
The provincial police version
At the time, the entrepreneur had always stressed that he had never committed the crime, given that he was not in possession of his own rifle. In fact, the provincial police had chased the man's car after hearing shots at night, without reaching it and even accusing him of driving at night and with the lights off on a mountain road.