THEAssociation for Rural Culture asks the Veneto Region the immediate revocation of the unjust ban on hunting cesena and redwing in the two supplementary days for hunting migratory stalking game in the period between 30 October and 2021 November 30. The hunters of Veneto have already lost almost a month of hunting due to the absurd circular of 09/2021/0439137 prot. n. XNUMX with which the Veneto Region, adhering to a request from the managers of Hunting Federation, decided to issue their own subjective interpretation of the order of the Regional Administrative Court of Veneto with which the usability was suspended, in the two supplementary days in the intervening period between 30st October and XNUMXth November, stalking of migratory game for species considered to be in a poor state of conservation or in decline. No scientific document considers the cesena and the redwing in decline and neither of these two species is included in the red list of endangered species. The Association for Rural Culture acknowledges that theISPRA he never asked for a ban on hunting in Cesena and Redwing thrush to be applied in the two supplementary days, a request that has never been made even by the various animal-environmental organizations. Only the managers of Federcaccia have requested and obtained from the Veneto Region that this be applied in Veneto absurd prohibition. We also note that no Regional Administrative Court of Italy has ever decreed the suspension of the hunt for Cesena and Redwing in the two supplementary days in the months of October and November. For these reasons the Association for Rural Culture firmly asks the Veneto Region to immediately revoke this unacceptable ban and to allow hunters in the Veneto to take advantage of a right enshrined in the regulations in force for which they have already paid large license fees (The National President of the Association for Rural Culture - Hon. Sergio Berlato).
Hunting surveillance During a hunting surveillance service, coordinated by the Provincial Police, the Volunteer Hunting Guards of the Provincial Section of Federcaccia of Macerata, in the Municipality of Montecosaro, near the Chienti River, near an old country farmhouse, identified numerous...
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