An urgent plan
It can no longer be postponed Piano Lupo. This is what he says Coldiretti Piedmont in the light of the data that record over 900 wolves present in the Alpine Regions, in particular in the areas of Piedmont, Liguria and Valle d'Aosta and, above all, in the Piedmontese Alps, around 600 have been estimated. These are the published national monitoring data within the Life WolfAlps EU project, in synergy with ISPRA. The estimated wolf population, nationally, is around 3.300 specimens, 950 in the Alpine regions and almost 2.400 along the rest of the peninsula.
The risks of extinction
“The numbers confirm that the wolf is no longer in danger of extinction; for this reason it is essential that the institutions define a national intervention plan, also through the adoption of extraordinary actions, which looks at what other EU countries such as France and Switzerland have done for the defense of farmers, farmed animals and the public safety - explain Roberto Moncalvo president of Coldiretti Piedmont and Bruno Rivarossa confederal delegate -. Suffice it to say that there are more wolves in Piedmont than there are in the whole of Sweden, just to provide a proportion of the territory, for this reason The real risk today is the disappearance of the human presence from the mountains and inland areas due to abandonment of thousands of families, but also of many young people who have laboriously returned to restore lost biodiversity with the recovery of the historic Piedmontese breeds, also given the constant increase in episodes of predation.
A topic addressed late
Therefore, there is a need for responsibility in the defense, by the competent institutions and bodies, of farms, shepherds and breeders who - conclude Moncalvo and Rivarossa - courageously continue to preside over the territories and guarantee the beauty of the landscape, against degradation, landslides and floods that also threaten cities. The delay in tackling the issue assuming the possibility of a coexistence that cannot be managed according to current standards, compromises the solution to the problem after the survey results have provided useful elements for a review of conservation policies" (source: Coldiretti Piedmont).