La Regional Council of Tuscany approved the Plan for the collection of Roe deer with the following specifications: for adult and young males from the 13 June to the 15 July, from 15 August to 30 September 2018, from 1 January to 15 April 2019; for females and offspring from 15 August to 30 September 2018 and from 1 January to 15 March 2019; for small males from the 15 August to the 30 September 2018 and from 1 January to 15 April 2019. For the implementation of the plans selective withdrawal, the collection is allowed, in the foreseen periods, for five days a week except Tuesdays and Fridays, even in the case of ground covered by snow.
In the period between the third Sunday of September and the 31 of January, the required notations must also be made on the hunting card referred to in Article 6 of Regional Law 20/2002. Furthermore, with a further act, the Regional Council also established the contribution due for the selection hunt in Cervidi and Bovidi and also for the hunted wild boar hunt. On the part of hunters registered in the districts of the areas managed by the ATC, a minimum amount of € 5,00 and a maximum amount of € 50,00 is determined for each species.
The contribution to be paid for participation in the hunted wild boar hunting by hunters not registered with the ATC in hunting districts and establishments managed by the ATC is determined between a minimum amount of € 5,00 and a maximum amount of € 10,00 for each hunting day. The amount of contributions for the management of the Apennine deer in the suitable areas of the ACATER districts is fixed by the ATC in the areas in which these populations fall.