Marco Efisio Pisanu, regional president of the association Hunting Fishing and Sardinia Traditions, sent the latest updates on the story involving the former rugby player to the Caccia Passione editorial staff Andrew Lo Cicero to which a donkey was killed. Here is the text of the letter: “IThe rugby champion Andrea Lo Cicero has accepted the gift of the Hunters! I heard him on the phone this morning: it was a pleasant call, full of meanings, at moving moments, where the (mutual) regret for what had happened in recent days was palpable.
Among the various topics we talked about the hunting rules; Mr. Lo Cicero reiterated of don't be against hunting, but we agreed that we need more attention and respect for the rules in the exercise of our passion, and that the law 157/92, now old, needs a revision, also in consideration of theanthropization of the territory. We then thought about animal breeding, me for our hunting companions, he for the breeding of donkeys and for the purposes for which together with his family he is carrying out a noble project: "The Land of Children". This is onotherapy, dedicated to children with disabilities.
The Baron, as he was nicknamed in the field, with this initiative demonstrates that in addition to having been a Champion in sport, it is also in life! The hunting world has always been sensitive and present in many circumstances in which it was necessary to make a concrete and tangible contribution. We will be there again this time, not only for the sad story that has seen perish the now mythical Zaira, but also to increase the herd of donkeys to be allocated to the “La Terra dei Bambini” project, created by the Lo Cicero family: that's why they decided to donate two Sardinian donkeys.
Some friends and I have already taken steps to organize the purchase and transfer of the Asinelli; when the delivery will take place, we will ask Mr. Andrea to be able to baptize one of the two somare with the name Diana, in memory of our gesture. There have been many who have asked to contribute, therefore we believe it is appropriate to give this opportunity to anyone who wishes. Anyone interested can do an offer addressed to: CPT Sardinia Association, Iban: IT58S0101585550000070711684 Reason: “Zaira”. Thanks to all, we will keep you updated. Long live the Hunters and Champions, the real ones! ”.