Unjustified cruelty
Below we report the latest speech by the FIDC president Massimo Buconi: “We welcome the approval of the legislative text by the Chamber of Deputies, which provides for more severe sanctions for crimes of unjustified cruelty against animals, but we do not accept that it is once again a Trojan Horse to put hunting in the sights of the usual anti-everything. Federcaccia warns the political forces to protect our passion”.
A provision to be clarified
The video continues: "We hope that the Senate can improve this measure to make it even clearer, especially in its purposes. However, there is one thing that we do not understand and that is worth investigating further."
Crimes in comparison
“If you look at the penalties and compare them with the criminal penalties provided for by Italian legislation, then you realise that there is a strong inequality, consequently we trust once again in a good job by the Senate”.