The beautiful days that opened the last week of October, from 22, were abruptly interrupted by the disturbance that struck this last weekend and which marked the drop in temperatures, passing from hot to something cooler than norm. Our old men used to say that "the dead arrive wet and go dry" and vice versa, confirming that close to the Saints a little wet snow and an extra thrill are normal weather situations.
And so between the cold air from the north and the humid air from the Atlantic, the cold wind from the mountains has dominated and the anticyclone is moving towards other shores.
As far as migration is concerned, the weekly presence of the Song Thrush on 22 and 23 October was interesting, with a slight first modest peak of presences of the Redwing on the dates 24 and 25 October. Excellent presence of the Frosone in that of 24 October.
Blackbirds with droppers at the end of the month and an interesting movement of the Brambles appeared mainly on 22, 25 and 26 October. All also enlivened by the excellent passage of the Finches and the gods Wood pigeons. Furthermore, at the FEIN Ornithological Observatory in Arosio, the first historical capture of a Organetto is noted, which took place on 25 October.
The bad weather conditions on Saturday and Sunday close this last weekend of the month with the news of the appearance of the first snow up to the low altitudes, above Erba, while the Polish interns, working at the Arosiana station and in the phase of conclusion of their activity , they showed us the photos of their country under the snow, underlining that the weather in these days is quite anomalous even in them.
29 October 2012
ANUU Migrators