ANUU Migratoristi provides information on the migration pass in Italy in the first week of September, “A discrete week”.
The first week of September, with hot days and above-normal temperatures throughout the western Palaearctic, was still pleasantly occupied by the presence of the Black Nannies, the surprising Beccafichi, the normal presence of the Redstart and, even more interestingly, the first Blackcaps in post-nuptial migration. Speaking of Black Balie, the 675 ringed, from 4 August to 6 September, represent - by way of example - the most numerous year of ringings of this species, especially compared to 2012, always in the same period, with 641 ringings, and at 2010 with only 243 examples. The total total ringing, up to now and for this period, was 1.171 birds, compared to 2012 with 1.253, not to mention 2010 with 723. Interesting was the capture of 1 Ortolano (Saturday 7 September) and the ringing of as many as 3 Bigiarellas, particularly studied by an English ornithologist since 1981. In short, a start of good hopes also for the certainly favorable weather conditions, even in the absence of the Prispolone, but the last word is not yet said while waiting for the first quarter of the Moon on September 12, for those who believe in the influence of the phases of the moon in the migration of our winged friends, certainly conditioned in their journey, as eternal travelers of the sky.
9 September 2013
ANUU Migrators