"The Florentine provincial delegation of the Caccia Ambiente party has, in recent days, received the following heartfelt appeal from the people of the Santerno valley:
Dear Hunting Environment, we are a group of inhabitants of the area of M. Faggiola in Coniale - Firenzuola, our territory is located in the Alto Mugello, on the border with Romagna, it is a territory completely immersed in the green of the Apennines, where people still live products of the forest, where tranquility reigns, we hereby render you the havoc that the Tuscany Region with the Municipalities of Firenzuola and Palazzuolo sul Senio want to perpetrate. The latter want to build a huge wind farm by destroying ridges, springs, animals and endangering the health of the inhabitants who live there, given the harmful effect of the enormous turbine of these plants, now proven by various scientific studies that make people sick. of "wind turbine syndrome", can cause tumors, and serious cardiovascular diseases. The huge wind farm in the project consists of 13 wind towers 155 meters high (like 50-storey buildings) with concrete bases over 20 ml deep, creating extensive damage to the ridges and springs, and will make life impossible for wildlife. (like the golden eagles present on our territory).
In addition to the insult: considering that the turbines without the large contributions expected would not be able to repay the cost of construction. We sincerely ask you to help us make this atrocity public, do not leave us alone, in order to avoid this destruction of our wonderful Santerno Valley. We are available to provide you with the relevant documentation, for further information write to us at [email protected] Trusting in your help, we send our best regards.
Having read the documentation sent to us, we can only take sides, without ifs and buts, alongside the populations of this wonderful valley where the splendid landscape, where Romagna becomes Tuscany, is a worthy setting for the History and Tradition that are heritage of this truly rural corner of Apennine territory. We think that the inhabitants of the towns of Firenzuola and Palazzuolo sul Senio have the full right to say "NO" to this umpteenth attempt at environmental destruction which, with the complicit silence of the animal / environmental associations, they are trying to perpetrate. They have the full right also and above all to protect their health and that of their children! In addition to the havoc of the landscape, and consequently of tourism, and health, it would also create immense damage to the avifauna, as the area where these towers would be erected is reported as a "mountain pass affected by the avifauna migration routes" from ISPRA. It is easy to imagine how, from the very protected golden eagle to the simple redwing, these animals would die against the immense blades of these useless minarets, yet another demonstration of how the opinions of the ISPRA take second place and are more or less binding depending on of the economic or emotional interest that is stirred up. "It is unthinkable to me" - underlines Fabrizio Arena, provincial delegate of CA - "after we have already had to bitterly ascertain the serious damage to the Mugello aquifers and the damage attributable to it, ecological, economic and to agriculture that have ensued, due in that case, to the construction of the tunnell of the TAV, there is still an attempt to implement a similar type of construction on our mountains! We want to create - continues Fabrizio Arena - the same type of damage also to the environment of Alto Mugello and to the entire Tuscan-Romagna Apennine ridge? No!… All this is absolutely not more acceptable! Caccia Ambiente undertakes to fight with all its strength for the protection of the landscape and the mountain eco system of the Alto Mugello, a true and priceless heritage of the communities that reside there ”concludes Arena. Caccia Ambiente therefore asks the municipal councils of Firenzuola and Palazzuolo sul Senio, the Province of Florence and the Region of Tuscany, to VERY carefully evaluate the environmental impact and the damage / benefit ratio that would be created with the construction of these towers. We are sure that the Tuscan institutions will be able to protect, enhance and take into account what is the heritage of our territory, the health and above all the WILL of their fellow citizens. If this were not the case, the Florentine provincial delegation of the Caccia Ambiente party, together with all those associations that want it (hunting, environmentalists, to protect the citizen and his health and safeguard the landscape assets) and to people of good will who have at heart its land and its history and tradition, it is willing to do battle by any lawful and necessary means and in all the appropriate places until reason and popular will have won it over the logic of interests. We receive and communicate with great pleasure the full and immediate availability to support us in this battle given to us by the CPA Sport hunting association of Tuscany and by the Italian Wilderness Environmental Association.
Journalist and founder of Caccia Passione. It was the year 2002 when I gave life to the internet portal, putting three great passions to good use, the one in modern literature, the other for information technology and also for hunting. Over the years Caccia Passione has become a newspaper where today the best journalistic "Pens" in Italy write.
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