The hunting association Arch Hunting has returned to talk about the possible reform of the quorum of referendums in Italy which worries the world of hunting and not a little. Here's what the note specifically says: "From this government a new danger for hunting and beyond. The attempt by M5S and Lega to modify Art. 71 of the Constitution, undermines the principles of balance conceived by the constituent fathers. The introduction of the proactive referendum will demean the role of parliament, office responsible for the approval of laws, and lowering the validity quorum will make it much more accessible.
The institute of the Referendum was designed to directly question the people on the great transversal issues, not to be brought up at every turn. For this we are deeply concerned, both as hunters and as citizens. The opening of a new referendum season, with a quorum of 25%, puts at risk not only the hunting activity, which so often had to defend itself from the referendum attacks of a few mobsters, but many other rights that govern everyday life.
Not to mention, then, the costs of campaigns and referendum consultations, which in a moment of bad economic situation, would take away resources from much more important issues. To make and change the laws there is the parliament. Otherwise, what are the salaries of parliamentarians? It is not that someone, with the political moves of these days, does not think only of decrease the number of parliamentarians but rather to abolish its role and prerogatives? ”.