Arci Caccia Campania on the work of the Region, "always involve the CFVR, and get rid of unprepared technical advisors"; "Attacks on Nugnes: from what pulpit the sermon comes!".
With regard to some press reports that appeared in the Province of Caserta, relating to a controversy on hunting activities in Campania, the regional President, dr. Sergio Sorrentino, said: "Unfortunately, in Campania, on the subject of hunting, we still read and hear of all colors and, above all, from those politicians who are a little talkative who are the only" hunting "which, in fact, they are interested in voting, which clearly gives personal gratifications much higher than those miseries which, unfortunately, hunters can register on their hunting cards ”.
Thanks to the gods - continues Sorrentino - I represent a free, autonomous, independent Association that does not "mince words" and is not conditioned by barkers and underpowered clienteles. In Campania the situation is difficult and there is a need to fight on all fronts: calendar, regional law, parks that too many face with propaganda demagogy, unpreparedness and, sometimes, falsehood. To charge all these responsibilities to the Regional Councilor Nugnes is to look for a comfortable "scapegoat".
The work to be done is long, it takes commitment and competence to face the problems and the Councilor, despite the difficulties found, is trying to deal with them. It borders on the ridiculous to read that among the "inquisitors", the Regional Councilor Fortunato, the one who, between maxi amendments and daydreams, was about to put the hunt in Campania on a permanent delay.
Rejected to the sender the controversy that is more reminiscent of the "avanspettacolo" than the seriousness of those who want to solve the serious problems of citizens. We allow ourselves to send only one invitation: always and in any case involve the Regional Hunting Wildlife Technical Committee, getting rid of unprepared technical advisors ".
1 October 2013
Arch Hunting