THE ARCI Hunting had entrusted the action for compliance with the regulations to a lawyer. Unfortunately, it was other hunting associations that supported confused extensions of registration to the ATCs for the usual non-noble interests of a "parish" that have nothing to do with hunters and their passion for the activity, the art of hunting. On July 19, the Region withdrew the measure, to say the least equivocal, giving reason to the hunters who respect the law and to the ARCI Caccia which defends them.
We remind hunters on this occasion to respect the deadline of 2 August for the payment of the registration fee in order not to incur the "forfeiture" of the hunting right in theATC chosen. Meanwhile we tell them: let's breathe the "good air" that will accompany us to the possibility of training our hunting dog friends in a few days and then to the "opening" of the new hunting season, a celebration of all hunters and nature.
We at ARCI Caccia are optimistic: slowly hunting with a difficult path recovers some consensus in public opinion (Eurispes data), while fundamentalist animalism loses a few blows. As demonstrated also with the SOS Gabbiani initiative, the answer is wildlife management. The way opens for game to become a heritage of the territories and countryside but also of the food traditions thanks to the farmers.
The hope is that the hunting associations draw lessons from this experience useful for their work in the protection of hunters. Transparency, legality and priority of interests: hunting first then the card can be the best viaticum for a federation of national hunting associations. A healthy and durable production unit is the prerequisite for fruitful collaboration initiatives with farmers.
(25 July 2016)
Arci Caccia Campania