A Pontida (province of Bergamo) the usual meeting of the Alloy and the Minister of the Interior and Deputy Prime Minister could not be missing Matteo Salvini. The leader of the Carroccio also spoke of traditions and hunting. In particular, Salvini asked for greater protection of traditions, history and culture. The owner of the Interior Ministry also stressed how serious the problems would be in the absence of those who care for and love animals. The defense of the hunting world was highlighted in relation to the protection of the environment.
These words were especially appreciated by Francesco Bruzzone, senator and vice-president of the Environment Commission in the Senate. Bruzzone said he was convinced he could interpret the sentiment of all the hunters in our country by expressing his appreciation for Pontida's speech.
In addition, the senator recalled how hunters are essential to keep rural traditions and culture intact: their interventions take place every year and every day in a constant manner. It is not the first time that Salvini has shown himself so close to the world of hunting, as evidenced by the non-accidental presence at theVicenza HIT Show and the words spent in favor of arms owners in Italy.