Maximum diffusion
We report below the communication made public in the last few hours by“Unique” Territorial Hunting Area of Brescia. The Lombardy ATC itself asked for this news to be given the widest possible publicity: “Due to the adverse conditions in the capture locations, it was decided to bring forward the release of foreign-caught hares”.
The areas involved
There are other important details to underline: "The first release will be made on November 27, 2024 (therefore during the course of today, ed.) in zones 6-7-8. It is recommended to protect the hares that have been released with the specific purpose of repopulation".
The closing of November 18th
Just over a week ago, the ATC Unico of Brescia had officially ordered the closure of hare hunting in this same territory, while preserving the residual populations in compliance with the provisions of Decree 13651 of 2024.