Dog training for woodcock hunting
The woodcock is a mysterious and fascinating animal at the same time: hunting this bird creates great expectations and every good hunter can only focus his attention on the role that the ...
The woodcock is a mysterious and fascinating animal at the same time: hunting this bird creates great expectations and every good hunter can only focus his attention on the role that the ...
The creation of the Foxhound (English fox dog) is due to the gamekeepers, who tried to obtain a dog of great olfactory capacity and excellent courage, which was able to run for several hours. Like this...
The cross between a Newfoundland and an otter. This is often said when talking about the Labrador Retriever, a companion dog but also perfect for hunting, as it can swim fast on the surface of the water ....
An elongated, wide, energetic and massive neck, straight limbs and tail always in motion. These are the main descriptive characteristics of the Pudel Pointer, a hunting dog that is the result of a happy union ...
The feeding of dogs, especially hunting ones, is very important. Sports dog lovers require balanced foods of the highest quality. The animal needs all the energy and nutrition necessary to be physically well ...
Animal welfare at the center of everything: this is the slogan of Winner Plus, a company from Capena (Rome) specializing in the production of professional dog food. Care, commitment and the highest quality are the elements ...
Poisonous plant poisoning is a problem that afflicts not a few dogs. The hunter's task is to be aware of at least the most dangerous spontaneous and cultivated ones. It will also seem a problem of ...
With this really interesting recipe, you get a double result. The pheasant is in fact cooked for two uses: on the one hand there is an excellent pheasant broth, with a dark color and an intense taste ....
Often many hunters start training their puppy once it is past one year of life. The problem is that in this period of time the animal could develop bad habits, making training an almost titanic undertaking ....
The Drever is a dog of Swedish origin, very common especially in Scandinavia and in the regions of Northern Europe. Its original name in Swedish is Schwedische Dachsbracke. There are various hypotheses regarding the origin ...
Roe deer, deer, hares and wild boar, but also pheasants and wild rabbits are very special animals because they require a very different treatment from the typical beef or pork that we cook every day. One of the fundamental steps ...
Similar to the partridge, the partridge is distinguished by the vibrant color of the legs and the white spot on the throat. The specimens available on the market, generally coming from farms, do not require maturation; those of game ...
Smaller size than the average size, slenderness, strength and elegant bearing. These are the main characteristics of the Finnish Spitz, a hunting dog originally from Scandinavia (as the name suggests) and which historically is ...
A great classic: who has never tried the Cacciatore pheasant? The game-based recipe is one of the most popular as far as hunting cuisine is concerned, but don't be fooled ...
Hunting is a passion and can even become a profitable job if you follow the right guidelines. Hunting can become a real profession especially when it comes to breeding ...
The Basset Hound is part of the group 6 breeds, the one that groups the hounds and dogs by blood trail. The FCI considers the Basset Hound to be of English origin, but there are always ...
When we talk about meat we often hear the term "maturation". But what does it mean and why is it so important if not essential to obtain quality meat, especially when it comes to ...
A name that for us Italians is almost unpronounceable, but which means a lot in the world of hunting. The Kooikerhondje has very ancient origins and to find the roots of this breed you have to go to the countries ...
Tasty and lean: these are the two main characteristics of venison that can make it preferable to beef. With the right spices (rosemary and juniper in primis) you can give a flavor ...
Fonte Montefeltro Tour Operator When we talk about the nations of Eastern Europe and the possibility of organizing hunting trips, we tend to put Bulgaria at the bottom of the list of potential and attractive destinations. Instead,...
Caccia Passione Srl
via Camillo Golgi nr. 1, post code 20090 Opera (MI) ITALY
CF and VAT number 08016350962
Newspaper registered at the Court of Milan nr. 17 of 20.01.2012 - ROC registration nr. 22180
Fully paid-up share capital € 10000
Chief Executive Officer Pierfilippo Meloni
Contact: [email protected]
Caccia Passione Srl
via Camillo Golgi nr. 1, post code 20090 Opera (MI) ITALY
CF and VAT number 08016350962
Newspaper registered at the Court of Milan nr. 17 of 20.01.2012 - ROC registration nr. 22180
Fully paid-up share capital € 10000
Chief Executive Officer Pierfilippo Meloni
Contact: [email protected]