Hunting: Francesco Bruzzone, leader of the Lega Nord group in the Liguria Regional Council, presents to the Chambers a proposal to amend Law 157/92 on hunting activities.
Francesco Bruzzone, group leader of the Northern League in the Regional Council of Liguria, is the first signatory of a document, also signed by the Regional Councilors of the Northern League Edoardo Rixi and Maurizio Torterolo, submitted to the Ligurian assembly, containing a bill to the Chambers on the matter the modification of the rules for the protection of homeothermic fauna and for hunting.
The initiative, pursuant to article 121 of the Constitution, asks the Regional Council of Liguria to propose amendments to the law of 11 February 1992, n. 157, which lays down rules for the adoption of the annual hunting calendar by the Regions. In particular, the document presented by Bruzzone aims to modify paragraph 4 of article 18 of the law, so that it can be replaced by the text “4. The regions, after consulting the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), define with a specific law the regional calendar for the entire hunting year in compliance with the provisions of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, and with the indication of the maximum number of animals to be killed in each day of hunting activity ".
"This change would allow the Regional Councils to claim their role in hunting", explains Francesco Bruzzone, who already last November obtained the unanimous vote of the Regional Council of an agenda, which proposed the entrustment to the entities regional authorities of the possibility of approving hunting calendars also by law.
“What happened in recent months has created considerable difficulties for hunters in Liguria and has emphasized the need to have greater certainty for the future. The possibility of approving hunting calendars by law must be given back to the Italian regions, and our initiative is aimed at that “.
Francesco Bruzzone
(11 February 2014)